Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Can you rock a minivan?

I am 28.  The awkward in-between age where you sit precariously on the fence between youth and...well...aging.  My Town and Country van seems to mock my youthful mentality and tries to give me that final push over the fence. 

So, with a nice van with leather seats, navigation, swivel seats, and 2 dvd players, you know I have satellite radio.  Sirius radio is amazing and I love channels 2 and 3 (current hits), 9 (90's songs), 44 (rap), and the comedy stations.  I have the ability to hear so many amazing songs, many which make me dance a bit in my seat....ok, I dance a lot.  I do watch what is played when the kids are in there with me (it starts getting weird when your 4 year old sings "I'm only getting started, I won't black out") but what about when I'm alone?  Do I look like the woman in the clip below?  Watch :32-:37
  This to me is a classic example of when rocking the minivan is so so wrong.

Do you listen to what you want and keep the windows rolled up tight?  For now, I choose to avoid looking at people and do what I want.  I am a mom, but I'm still me.  However, I promise that when I exit the van, "Juicy" isn't plastered across my rear end.  That to me is going too far.

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